Разное на PHP
Функции для работы с постраничным выводом.
Разбиваем массив элементов, постранично.
* The resulting list is in the form of an array. ret[pages][items] = value
* @author Maksyutin Dmitriy
* @param $list array List of elements
* @param $first_page_items integer Show items on first page
* @param $mid_page_items integer Show item count on middle pages
* @param $last_page_item_send integer Show number of items on last page no more
* @return array The resulting list is in the form of an array. ret[pages][items] = value
function priceToPage(array $list, int $first_page_items = 7, int $mid_page_items = 10, int $last_page_item_send = 8): array
$first_page_array = [];
$total_items = count($list);
if ($total_items > $first_page_items) {
$first_page_array[1] = array_slice($list, 0, $first_page_items);
$list = array_slice($list, $first_page_items);
} else {
$first_page_array[1] = $list;
return $first_page_array;
$current_page = 2;
$total_items = count($list);
for ($current_item = 1; $current_item <= $total_items; $current_item++) {
$first_page_array[$current_page][] = $list[$current_item - 1];
if (($current_item) % $mid_page_items == 0 and ($current_item + $first_page_items) != $total_items) {
$res = $list = $first_page_array;
$last_page = count($list);
$last_page_item = $list[$last_page];
$last_page_item_count = count($list[$last_page]);
if ($last_page_item_count > $last_page_item_send) {
$res[$last_page] = array_slice($last_page_item, 0, $last_page_item_send);
$res[] = array_slice($last_page_item, $last_page_item_send);
return $res;